Melbourne Chargers
powered by TidyHQOur Committee
Our Committee
The Melbourne Chargers is managed by a committee of nine volunteers, elected by club members at the Annual General Meeting and led by the President. The committee is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the club and appointing our coaching and management team in addition to fundraising, events and other duties. The coaching and management team is responsible forrugby operations and make operational decisions at arm’s length from the committee.
The club committee meets from time to time (usually monthly) and distributes a summary of outcomes from each meeting to all members.
You can contact the committee using at committee@melbournechargers.org, or you can email any member directly.
President - Chris Pezet
Chris is the primary spokesperson for the Melbourne Chargers, representing the club to the wider community. Chris chairs the committee and is responsible for ensuring that the club’s priorities are in line with the wishes of the membership. Email: chris@melbournechargers.org
Vice-President - Scott Davis
Scott supports the President in managing the committee. Scott leads on operations, managing the committee’s relationship with our coaches and team managers. Scott also leads on operations and logistics for our domestic season and contributes to fundraising and events planning. Email: scott@melbournechargers.org
Secretary - Martin Commons
Martin is responsible for club record-keeping and memberships. The Secretary also ensures that the club’s activities are in accordance with both the rules of the association, and Victoria’s laws. Martin also supports organising fundraising and social events and LGBT community engagement. Email: martin@melbournechargers.org
Treasurer - Stephen Allan
Stephen is primarily responsible for financial administration, ensuring that the club’s accounts are correct and that all income and expenditure is recorded and reported on regularly. Additionally, Stephen is the custodian and manager of the Warwick Ramsden Player Support Fund. Email: stephen@melbournechargers.org
General Committee - Josh Casey, John Gabriel, Phil Anderson, Dan MacPherson, Matthew Littlejohn
Josh Casey is working on creating new new interesting chargers merch, creating creating social activitys for the community, working on creating a welcoming in and inclusive environment for new players and supporters Email: josh@melbournechargers.org
John Gabriel is one of the Chargers two Player Liaisons. He is assisting with wponsorship, particularly identifying and applying for grants to support the Chargers' mission. He's also assisting Martin on liaising with IGR and other IGR teams. Email: john@melbournechargers.org
Phil Anderson is responsible for the Chargers website, Calendar and Club social events including our upcoming In The Flesh extravaganza. As well as working with other inclusive sports clubs to promote stronger sporting community relationships Email: phil@melbournechargers.org
Dan MacPherson role is to help out at club activities and assist the committee in its many projects. Daniel is keen to ensure the club remains a welcoming place, especially for beginners. Email: dan.melbournechargers.org
Matthew Littlejohn is one of the Chargers two Player Liaisons. Matt acts as our Social Media Manager, works with the committee on their fundraising projects, and leads the organisation of our famous In The Flesh extravaganza. Email: matthew.littlejohn@melbournechargers.org